5 creative ways to make money without capital

Firstly, let me wish you a Happy New year and it is my prayer that in this 2016 may we all enjoy good health, Make Money and catch fun.
For me the year 2015 was a great wonderful year though storms arose but God never allowed it to destroy me, i know you also had wonderful memories of events and terrific  occurrence that happened during the last year but let us forget the past and face the today's business which is 2016.

Many of us couldn't achieve our 2015 financial resolution not because we are lazy or lack of good innovations or ideas but as many of my colleagues then will say "I have an Idea, but no capital",this was also my best quote or best excuse for not taking bold steps whenever am faced with issues related to my financial status. Although, i have moved over that bad mindset now and changed the kind of  life and people i share and discuss my ideas with.

Today i will like to show you 5 good creative business you can venture into without capital, these business does not really require special knowledge or expertise but you have to grow up  and sharpen your skills

1. Blogging
I know few of you reading this now, the word 'Blog', 'Blogging' or 'Blogger' is not a new ideology or terms especially when bloggers are making millions doing what they love when they like. Though many  in the IT world makes blogging look too complex for interested newbie to start a blog. The good news is Anyone whether old or young, educated  or non educated inasmuch you have a genuine reason why you want start one and it is free. People like Linda Ikeji,  Jide ogunsanya and my humble self earn from our blogs, so why not decide to know about blogging and start today.

2. Sell for others
Recently, I was in camp for the RCCG annual congress where i met a young beautiful lady who is a student with a strong desire to succeed . While discussing with her i discovered she has nobody to sponsor her tertiary education but she has been coping by selling a mixed fruit package  produced by a woman back home in Jos. Many are blessed with good marketing skills that can convince an Eskimo to buy Ice so if you are one this people instead of waiting for that white collar Job while not start utilizing that skill to make cool cash for yourself.

3. Teaching
Am not here to advice you to take up a secondary school teaching job that will end up paying you 10k or 30k at the end of the month. We are in an information era where people scout for information, apart from blogging i am an information marketer, i sell what i know or have learnt and people pay me well especially for my money making materials, you too can also venture into this it very easy my friend.

4. Real Estate Agent
I know many are familiar with this business,i mean if you are reading from Nigeria  you should have come across those sharp fellows we call the caretakers. It will cost you nothing to start this but you have to inform with vacant apartment and also tell your friends and family about your status as a caretaker to get free referrals.

5. Help People looking for Jobs
Now you are also looking a good Job or maybe you are an underpaid employee, money can still be made. Yes! this is not about scamming others by sharing Job offers that don't exist but do you know many job applicants are damn confuse about how to write a good Curriculum Vitae (CV) or don't just know Job interview ethics? Well am one of the few that makes stipends doing this. You can as well start this too.

I hope this really helps or maybe you like to ask a question or  any assistance you can use the comment box or add me on facebook  by clicking here. Thank You

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